We first check the direct I/O facility usage. You need to install the directiostat from solarisinternals.
Make sure the DB parameter filesystemio_options is set to SETALL in your database. You need to to generate some I/O on your database. For example you can gather statistics and at the same time copy a bigger table for testing purposes. While reads and writes take place use the directiostat command:
-bash-3.00$ ./directiostat 3
lreads lwrites preads
pwrites Krd Kwr holdrds nflush
52 29 28
38 0 0
0 0
0 18 0
18 6 160
0 0
0 3 0
3 6 38
0 0
Watch the following column to see if the database uses directio:
- lreads = logical reads to the UFS via directio
- lwrites = logical writes to the UFS via directio
If you want to compare the actual system performance with a new system before a migration takes place you have to produce the same read and write action on both systems and then use dtrace to debug the insights. You can also compare day peak write or read performance for two systems or use the dtrace facility to document a system in case of future performance problems. First you need to grant permissions to the oracle user. Issue as root:
usermod -K defaultpriv=basic,dtrace_kernel oracle
Measure the read performance with the following command:
-bash-3.00# dtrace -n
'syscall::read*:return {@a[execname ] = quantize(arg0);}’
dtrace: description
'syscall::read*:return ' matched 3 probes
value ------------- Distribution
------------- count
-1 | 0
0 | 2
1 | 0
2 | 0
4 | 0
8 | 3
16 | 0
32 | 5
64 | 5
128 | 6
512 |@ 16
1024 | 4
2048 | 1
4096 | 1
8192 | 0
16384 | 2
32768 | 0
To measure the write performance we need to write a script and call it using the "-s" switch:
#pragma D option quiet
-bash-3.00# dtrace -s ./whowrites.d
/global/oradb/oradata/files 4
/global/oradb/oradata/files 1143