Advanced functions of SQL Developer
SQL Developer is a graphical version of SQL*Plus and it is used by database developers mainly for writing complex sql statements. The article gives a survey of the functionality of SQL Developer and deals with advanced functions by showing how SQL Develper 1.5 migrates a MySQL® database to an Oracle® Database and analyses it with text and graphical reports.SQL Developer gives the facility to connect to databases and develop SQL or PL/SQL code, execute and debug it. You can create execution plans and view, create, modify or delete database objects. It is possible to connect via JDBC to databases of other manufacturer. With the connection you can read Metadata or execute SQL statements. Furthermore there are among other things the following features:
- Support of some SQL*Plus commands like desc[ribe] or '@' for script execution.
- Comfort functions in the SQL Worksheet like explain plan, auto trace, SQL history, smart completion (showing table names, column names when writing SQL statements), popup description of objects (right mouse click: describe) and save and paste SQL snippets in categories.
- Comparing and copy of schemas.
- Advanced search of objects with wildcards. If you find for example a table or a trigger you can open it with a double click.
- Version control system integration.
- Wizzard support for exporting metadata and data in a script consisting of DDL and DML statements.
- Migration of databases, usage of standard reports and development of customized reports (covered in this article).